Wednesday, March 30, 2005


i've begun to lose track of what's coming up, so wanted to do a bit of a summary:

Los Amigos Invisibles @ Irving Plaza 4/2
Handsome Boy Modelling School @ Irving Plaza 4/20 - With k-os opening!
Cindy @ Teabag 4/23
Phoenix @ Irving Plaza 5/4
Mike Doughty @ Bowery Ballroom 5/5 - Soul Coughing frontman goes solo.
Nine Inch Nails @ Hammerstein 5/15-16
Snow Patrol @ Roseland 5/20 - I've got a ticket to this that I can't use, anyone wants it get in touch.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

on-line co-op art

was just sent this by bev.

worth reading. at first look, couldn't get through more than a third. modern age version of spilling your guts to a bartender/stranger on a bus/priest?

wonder if you'd get as much by sending a postcard with your secret to a random address. you're still fessing up, with no chance of being 'published'. would you feel the same catharsis?

what's on YOUR postcard?

Post Secret

Saturday, March 26, 2005

piss 'n vinegar

if you haven't seen Henry Rollins do his spoken work performance, find a chance and go. or buy one of his CD's, i'm a big fan of Big Ugly Mouth, but i'm not picky. it's probably all good.

anyway, went to go see him at the zipper theater last night, and he's just as angry and funny and odd as he was last time i saw him. he's got a lot to say about all kinds of shit, from the changing tastes of his friends ("they're all getting round and breeding") to dubya (" when he sometimes run in to a cogent sentence"). he's getting a bit gray, but it's not stopping him from standing on stage like he's just barely restraining himself from running around to burn off excess energy. and he had the crowd alternately trying to keep their faces from cracking from laughing too hard with stories from his week-long Trans Siberian Railroad trip from Moscow to Vladivostok, to trying to keep us from crying with stories of his visit to Walter Reed Hospital in DC, visiting maimed military personnel back from Iraq.

awesome. i've got a lot of respect for this guy for having a lot of opinions, stating them forcefully, and not letting it stop him from seeing the absurdities in life as you move through it. one big thing that he said to take away is to make sure you don't just sit back on your opinions. take a stand on them, and fight for them. i believe the quote was something like "i want you all to find something inside to rage about" or something similar.


in addition, the zipper theater is a very cool space. they've got a great little bar with good beer and comfy places to sit, and the theater itself is a big old converted industrial space, with bare concrete walls, and a whole mismatches array of seats, many old minivan bench seats complete with seatbelts. good place, would love to go back.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Teabag, The Bitter End and Pianos!

a bit of recap for this weekends music

Teabag's open mic was very.... interesting... i arrived a few acts before cindy went on, and was treated to three comedians, a karaoke number and a set of anime music covers. apparently i just missed an (air) guitar-playing beatles cover singer (lip syncher).

cindy's set went well, and the crowd definitely enjoyed seeing someone more polished get up there.

later that evening, went to see some people at the Bitter End in the west village, and it turned out that there was some solid music happening there. i got there as a rock band called Sirsy was playing. only caught the end of their set, but more than enough to want to see a full show sometime. they won't be back till the end of march.

the next act up was called Days of Wild, who are apparently at the Bitter End a lot, every week or two. big band, believe they topped out at 10 people on stage at once (big stage, too). very tight funk band, lots of good energy, they sounded great and were a huge amount of fun to watch.

saturday, went to go see The Fatales at Pianos with Cindy, who's done some work down in DC with their lead singer. so her recommendation of the band was a bit biased, but turned out to be well placed. they played a great set of thick rock, their CD sounds very well put together, and all in all i think these guys will be about quite a bit. their stuff is sort of Radiohead-esque, using a good bit of keyboard and computer to add extra layers to the normal band setup. the headliner, Benzo's, had a similar type of sound, and started off strong. i wasn't able to stay for the full set though, so would have to see em again to make up my mind.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

jazzy open mic

my friend Cynthia Lin is coming up to NYC for an open mic, 3/11 8 PM @ Teabag in Chinatown.

what kind of band goes on on time??

as much as there have been times when i've been standing around waiting for the headliner to start their damn set, i've become so inured to it that i work it into my show schedule at all times...

thus, i thought i'd be fine getting to the interpol show at 10 pm, only to get a text at 9:15 from aaron, saying they'd just started! i missed the show entirely as they played a set that was only an hour and twenty minutes or so. bit rough for tickets that were almost $50.

at any rate, i heard the opener, Blonde Redhead, was quite good. maybe they'll come through again sometime, at a more reasonable hour. and the interpol set was apparently solid, although short.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Phoenix @ Irving Plaza 5/4

Just heard about this show coming up. Their song Run Run Run is good, definitely worth taking a listen to.

Upcoming shows

It was looking like a dry spring at first, but several good things have popped up recently:

Interpol @ Radio City 3/1 - Just found a ticket to this sold out show yesterday
Brazilian Girls @ Bowery Ballroom 3/16 - Heard about this group from Darlinda who's very excited about them. They sound extremely chill on the bits I checked out online, but apparently their live shows are higher energy.
Los Amigos Invisibles @ Irving Plaza 4/2 - I'm going to be out of town for this one. These guys are an excellent latin rock band, saw them first time four years ago or so in DC opening for Soul Coughing. Worth checking out.
Handsome Boy Modelling School @ Irving Plaza 4/20 - Dan the Automator and Prince Paul! Excellent experimental hip hop from the guys behind Lovage.
Snow Patrol @ Roseland 5/20 - Much hyped by U2 recently, probably the reason they're selling tickets so far in advance... Just gotten to know these guys recently from their "Spitting Games" track on a mix from Tera.

Good non-concerts too!

Henry Rollins @ Zipper Theater 3/22 - 4/2 - Former heavy punker turned intellectual... Rollins does great spoken word/standup. He's got several CD's out, but seeing him speak live is fantastic. He did a show at the 9:30 club in DC a few years back, sold out very sharpish and was excellent to see.
This is How it Goes @ Public Theater 3/10 - 4/16 - This is a new play by Neil Labute, the mind behind various very fucked up stories about people's relationships ("In the Company of Men"). His stuff is definitely thought-provoking, though more than a little disturbing at times... Interesting cast in this, Ben Stiller and Marisa Tomei.