Tuesday, March 29, 2005

on-line co-op art

was just sent this by bev.

worth reading. at first look, couldn't get through more than a third. modern age version of spilling your guts to a bartender/stranger on a bus/priest?

wonder if you'd get as much by sending a postcard with your secret to a random address. you're still fessing up, with no chance of being 'published'. would you feel the same catharsis?

what's on YOUR postcard?

Post Secret


Blogger CatSpit said...

I like this concept a lot. Being hardwired to the internet for the better part of my years, talking openly to complete strangers seems to come almost second nature by now. Some of those postcards are almost poetic in their beauty. Some are second-grade efforts. Regardless, I love creative outlets, and it's FUN!

What's on my postcard? I'll tell you if it makes it up..

8:43 AM  

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